Crisply, the advantages of fish oil supplements over others are that they are fresh, pure and have high amount of DHA omega 3. All three are the proven parameters via which you can very easily gauge the quality of any supplement. Below is a comparison of advantages of fish oil supplements with flaxseeds and krill oil.
Fish supplements vs. flaxseed
Advantages of Fish Oil Supplements Over Flaxseed and Krill Supplements
Flaxseeds are the rich in only ALA form of omega 3 fats and they do not contain DHA fats. Although the body can convert ALA to essential, DHA fats, the experts recommend that one should not depend on this internal process for two reasons - one, the process is inefficient and second, most of the ALA is burnt as energy.
This means that to bridge the gap of deficiency either one should eat tons of flaxseed or should switch to a source that is naturally high in DHA fats.
Fish supplements on the other hand are made from oily cold-water fish like hoki, tuna, mackerel, etc. that are rich in DHA fats.
Fish supplements vs krill oil
Krill are the crustaceans found in deep ocean waters. Like fish, they are also rich in DHA fats. However, because of their small size and they being present in the starting of the food chain, they have very less amounts of DHA fats.
Studies have proven that krill supplements have only 9% of DHA fats unlike fish that have 28% of DHA. This means that to compensate the daily need of DHA fats (500mg of DHA is required daily by the body), we have to consume more number of krill gels daily. This further implies more bottles of krill oil every month and hence inflated expenditure.
Now that you know what are the advantages of fish oil supplements over other sources, your next step? To take what you have just learned and reap the maximum health benefits of omega 3 fats, find an effective supplement that suits you the best.
Advantages of Fish Oil Supplements Over Flaxseed and Krill Supplements
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