


Is Fish Oil or Flax Seed Oil the Best Omega 3 Source?

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If you're reading this you probably already know about the necessary fatty acids of omega 3. These nutrients are responsible for your brain health, heart health and your entire nervous system. If you don't get sufficient of them, you may be putting yourself at risk for an early death.

You may even know your body cannot furnish on them on it's own so you have to take these omega 3's from your food.

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The natural sources of these necessary fatty acids are fatty fish or some plants.

Is Fish Oil or Flax Seed Oil the Best Omega 3 Source?

Fish Oil Vs. Flax seed

If you are a vegetarian, you may look for these omega 3's in the form of flax seed or walnuts. For other people, there are a lot of fish in the ocean some of which are good sources of low dose mercury poisoning. In fish oil versus flax seed oil, which then is the best source of omega 3?

As with everything, there are pros and cons of either option.

The Benefits of Fish Oil

Fish include two necessary fatty acids known as Dha and Epa. Dha is necessary in fetal brain amelioration and pregnancy. Epa is used by the body to furnish hormone-like substances that cut inflammation. In some studies, it is also found that Dha slows down some symptoms of Alzheimer's disease as well as dementia.

The problem in eating fish is that you can be exposed to toxins like mercury, which is harmful to the body. Wild caught fish is less likely to have large amounts of mercury and Pcb's.

Of course, high capability fish supplements can be purified so you can benefit from the Dha and Epa without fear of toxins. These pure fish oil supplements feel a process called molecular distillation.

When your fish oil is purified, the toxins are cleaned from the oil, leaving only the good stuff. The risks when taking supplements include not looking a high capability supplement and getting mercury or Pcb's with your fish oil. Just make sure it's undergone the molecular distillation and ranks high on the International Fish Oil clarity N �����Ѵਹ scale.

The problem with Flax seed Oil

Flax seed oil contains Ala fatty acid that ensures the cell membranes are flexible so they can absorb nutrients easily. Ala can be converted by the body to Epa and Dha.

The problem with Ala is that it competes metabolically with other fatty acids such as La. La when converted by the body becomes omega 6 while Ala becomes omega 3. Experts agree, you get plenty of omega 6 in your daily diet. Too much omega 6 is dangerous. It can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

The enzymes in the body, which is used to change Ala can only do 5%-25% of the needed conversion. That means, one needs to take 3 times of the Ala source compared to taking fish oil alone. Also, women change Ala more efficiently compared to men and seniors.

Another drawback of taking flax seed oil is it interferes with the absorption of other nutrients or medications. It can also cause constipation.

When it come to the dosage of fish oil versus flax seed oil, both should be taken with management from a physician especially when you have conditions that could be affected by high levels of omega 3 like congestive heart disease.

Decisions, Decisions

In short, taking fish oil versus flax seed oil is not a difficult decision to make. Both fish oil and flax seed oil have benefits and disadvantages.

Fish oil is rich and Dha and Epa and can be taken in high capability supplements in order to forestall the risks of mercury and other harmful toxins.

Flax seed oil that is rich in Ala can be converted by the body to Epa and Dha as well. The problem with flax seed oil is that the body cannot effectively change it to Dha and Efa when needed and results to taking more Ala than what is needed.

Now that you know some of the risks and benefits of fish oil versus flax seed oil, why not visit my website to learn more about pure fish oil supplements.

Is Fish Oil or Flax Seed Oil the Best Omega 3 Source? No URL

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